All the work has been done on my place and I am all back to normal, I moved the dungeon furniture around a bit, new lighting, freshly painted magnolia walls, so it looks great. Part of me wanted to do something a bit more interesting, but I like keeping everything looking pristine, and fancy wallpaper will just get scuffed within the first month.
I ended up being busy last week in the evenings which I didn’t expect, so not as quiet as I thought, as most people want to session with me during the working day.
I modified a toy which I called my chocolate teapot, an expensive gadget which was totally useless and would not work on anyone, and I tried it on several people, however, my friend modified it for me and I will be using it for the first time tomorrow on a willing participant. Lets just say his cock will be in pain, ouch.
Buying new toys can be difficult, someone can request something, it arrives and does not live up to expectations when we use it in session, which is why I have become so picky. Also there are a lot of reviewers out there who get given free stuff to try and will only write a glowing review so that they can get more free stuff, the write ups written by Joe Public on the sex toy shops feedback sections tend to be more accurate, but not everything has a review, so your buying blind, it’s not like you can try before you buy with a lot of these things obviously
I did promise myself I would get a 9 years in the business cake this month for my anniversary, but I have been so busy I have not had time to get to Patisserie Valerie, that and poor old Sooty the cat has been ill again so I have been chained to the house nursing him, I have had to make do with a giant Toblerone instead.