All posts by: Mistress Rose

About Mistress Rose

As requested by several people here it is, it is a mean one, lets see if you can do it. To those who don’t know about this, several people, one in particular (Sam) like me to control their wanking from afar. 10th June – Nothing 11th June – Wank until close then stop, twice! 12th […]

Still here, still healthy, as is everyone I know, luckily all through this time. Does anyone else feel like this past week you have been living in an episode of “Black Mirror” or the “Twilight zone”? However, Things are looking better every week as regards the coronavirus, I read in The Telegraph, no deaths are […]

Sorry to be boring again, just to confirm that I am still here and well, the death rates are doing down fast, so hopefully I will be back in July. I am really enjoying the weather, making the most of it while it lasts. Webcam and phone chat still available with an easy and discreet […]

Still here, still well, as is everyone I know thank goodness, and long may it continue. It has been so lovely and warm today, so I spent a bit of time outdoors, and went into the town centre, with the amount of people and traffic around, you would never know there was anything wrong, so […]

Another update, I am still fit and well as is everyone I know. I cant believe it has now been 7 weeks, no one I know thought the lockdown would last that long. I really cant tell when I will be back for in person sessions, luckily I can still make an income doing webcam […]

I am having more and more calls asking me to session during the lockdown in person, 99% of enquiries are from people I dont know. I have not sessioned in person since March. I will not be sessioning until it is safe to do so, I know it’s horrible, I am fed up too, but […]

Here we are in May, I cant believe it, time has gone so quickly. Hope everyone is well, I am still well as is everyone I know (yes another boring blog sorry).I have my own fitness equipment so still keeping up the weight training and fitness, I can see so many joggers and cyclists around […]