Monday 15th – Free all day

Tuesday 16th – Free all day

Wednesday 17th – Free all day

Thursday 18th – Free all day

Friday 19th – Free all day

Saturday 20th – Free all day

Sunday 21st – Free until 6  (please call to arrange as early as possible on this day, phone on from 7am, it will be hard for me to fit last minute late in the day bookings in.

A great week this week, with a 2 hour spanking session, where I spanked so much my freshly charged Fitbit, ran out of battery.  I know it’s meant to count steps, but each spank counts as a step, and I did so many it just

couldn’t cope.  When I re-charged it I had done 3000 extra steps in those 2 hours and gone into the fat burning zone before it gave out.
