
I am around for the rest of the month as normal, but refurbishment work is being done on the room next to my dungeon during June, making working in there not possible for about 5 days, and I am advanced booked for another 2, so will not be available from the 19th-26th of June.  I am around all other days during that month so far.











I bought this E-stim butt plug in for an upcoming session, If anyone feels like using one of these in a session, I am happy to buy one in for your exclusive use, they cost £26+£5 delivery.  Electric butt plugs should never be shared as you cannot put a condom on them to keep them clean, and they are not possible to sterilize enough to share, unlike my silicone dildos that can be boiled and cleaned with hospital disinfectant.



I am around as normal this week.

The deposit system where you can pay a deposit with a paypoint voucher, which you can buy from just about any garage or newsagents/corner shop in the country is up and running and I have updated my website to show this as well as explain how it works.  I still take the majority of my appointments on the day via the phone which requires no deposit, but anyone wanting to book a definite time and date in advance can use my new easy deposit system.  See  the paragraph on booking in advance.

Some people get nervous about paying a deposit if they don’t know the person, or are new to seeing a mistress, my answer is that I have been doing this since December 2006 full time, with no long breaks, I have kept the same name, website domain name etc.

A great week this week, lots of Estim 2b electrics, plenty of strap-on, and some lovely chocolates, which I am rationing myself 🙂 or trying to anyway.










I can’t believe it’s almost May :), so far I am not planning on taking time off this month, if I do it will be put up on the blog, so availability so far is normal.

The E-stim has now had a lot of use, and the 2b is a great piece of equipment, so glad I bought it.  April has been a great month, people are always in a good mood when they have a bit of time off, and eat lots of chocolate eggs, as I have done.






My availability for the rest of the month is as normal.  If you would like an appointment on Saturday, please try and call as early in the day as you can, thanks.


I have just been experimenting with the E-Stim 2B, I had electrodes placed on my leg, I know not fair when I place them on my victims cock and balls which is a more sensitive place.  It was amazing, so many different modes, I was jumping around trying to keep still when I was trying it which was impossible, I think when I use this on a victim, he will have to be strapped tightly down.  The electrowhisker, which is like a fine metal brush to stroke the skin was amazing too, the rubber loops to attach to the cock,  I have not been able to try for obvious reasons.  Really excited to try this out on someone to the first time, it really is an amazing piece of equipment.
