
So far I am around as normal next week, apart from Saturday 8th when I am free from 9am-10am in the morning.

It is hard to believe it is the last day of February, normally I would be dreading going out in the cold with a big scarf and gloves on, this time though I have had to take an umbrella everywhere, every time I forget it rains and I get soaked.

I am treating myself to some new underwear from my favourite brand Lise Charmel, the “Adventure Sexy” range which will come all the way from France to my door, its a lovely black embroidered satin leather, I have never seen underwear made out of that material look so classy.  I should receive it in about 10 days time 🙂  I love beautiful lingerie.

It is a pity someone out there does not make high end classy looking PVC, everything I see is the same old stuff that has been out there for years, lots of online stores sell designs that were around 10 years ago and they have not updated their designs, I get requests all the time for PVC catsuits and trousers as well, just try and find my size with a 34inch inside leg, it is mission impossible.  I don’t want to look like an extra from a 1980s rock/heavy metal video which is what I think when I see most of the outfits, oh I am being such a bitch!.  Anyway, I look forward to this month, March is when spring starts and I can hopefully look forward to warmer days, and a little less rain.


Thanks for all the nice compliments on my new pictures.

I am around mostly as normal this week,  on Thursday I am free until about lunchtime or just after, and around as normal Friday and the weekend.



I am around the rest of the month as normal. 

Being clear and honest about what you want in a session is important please don’t turn up with last minute requests without checking with me first, there are certain things I don’t do and clearly list this, but it gets awkward when someone turns up with equipment or requests for things I am just not comfortable with doing, things I haven’t even thought of putting on my list of don’ts as I have never been asked to do it before.

I talk all sessions thorough over the phone thoroughly, and am very careful that I know exactly what you want so I am ready for when you get here and can offer the type of session you want, but when I hear “Oh and (insert thing I don’t do here)” it can really ruin the session.

I also get asked for things that I wont do simply as in my opinion they are asking me to buy in and use equipment not suitable to be shared.  However in these cases I am happy for you to bring your own as then they are safe to use.  So the best advice is, with me and any other domme, don’t surprise me at the last minute, let me know in advance and I can say yes or no.



I am around for most of this week, apart from the following, Monday 17th I will not be available until 6pm, and not available Tuesday 18th until late afternoon.  All other days so far I am around as normal.



February is here, usually the coldest month of the year which is why I dread it, but this year it just seems to be really wet and not that cold at all, I think I prefer cold and dry.

I am around this week and weekend as normal, it was a particularly good week this week.

Also a little request, if anyone is making a trip to Sweden or Finland, and could bring back some Geisha bars for me, I will reimburse you for them.  They are one of my favourite all time chocolate bars, along with a new one from Germany I have discovered called Romy, I have been to Germany so much I don’t know how it’s taken me this long to find it.  I can buy Geisha bars online from Finland but the cost of the postage is rather expensive.

I am around as normal this week for sessions.  I can’t believe by the end of the week it will be February, which I must admit I dread, as if it’s going to snow or get really cold, this is the month it will normally happen.


Some great sessions this week, and thank you for all the nice comments on my new website 🙂
