
This week.


Well I came down with the cold everyone seems to have got, then felt much better yesterday, and then woke up with no voice this morning! it is coming and going, hopefully back by tomorrow, I have even gargled with salt water to try and help it, so I sound much worse than I actually am, that’s the problem with me, after I have a cold, I loose my voice, I feel fine, I just sound husky


Someone made their way to my area for a session today, when they had not booked me, they just said they would call me later at some point to arrange as they had a meeting with no definite end time, so imagine how annoyed I was when I put my phone back on to hear that he was on his way.  I was unable to look at my phone as I was busy in a session and my phone was on silent, so didn’t find out until he made the trip.  I only have about 1 of these a year but it always amazes me that someone would do that with no actual appointment.


Finally a big thank you to M, who gave me a lovely card yesterday, it is really appreciated, my birthday is next month, but a month early is no problem.  Actually your timing was perfect and it really cheered me up, and I loved the cat on the front of it.  Sadly my dream of spending more time in Spain is off for now, but hopefully 10 years from now it will become more of a reality.  Every time I plan on going away, my cat seems to get seriously ill,  I think he must time it to trap me at home.






Availability 17/10/16-23/10/16

Why do I show so much availability everyday? that’s because 99% of my bookings are on the day and I only take advance bookings with a deposit.   I never know what I am doing until the morning when my phone starts ringing, however,  I get busy so you need to call early to get the time you want.

I don’t back to back or conveyor belt style sessions, so the amount of sessions I do are limited in any day.


Monday 17th – Free all day

Tuesday 18th – Free all day

Wednesday 19th – Free all day

Thursday 20th – Free all day

Friday 21st – Free after 12.30

Saturday 22nd – Free until 6pm

Sunday 23rd – Free all day

I was thinking today of a session I do, a role play with someone I call the “Male Chauvinist Pig” what made me think of him?  Donald Trumps comments on women, honestly what he said is just like something out of my lady boss role plays where someone says something so outrageous to me I just have to discipline them.  I may have to do a new scenario based on this, the thing is, when the MCP as I call him says what he says, I end up having to electrocute his cock and balls, put him in ladies panties, then fuck him up the ass with a big dildo.


Also this advert https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHbvyZDFPwg  men in high heels and tight shorts, hmmmmmm quite fetishy, and bizarre at the same time, like a cross dressers weird dream, I honestly cant believe this is on normal TV.  I keep seeing inspiration for my sessions everywhere, I will have to find some stretchy hot pants for my sissy’s to wear with heels, and get them to dance for me.



Availability 10/10/16-16/10/16

Why do I show so much availability everyday? that’s because 99% of my bookings are on the day and I only take advance bookings with a deposit.   I never know what I am doing until the morning when my phone starts ringing, however,  I get busy so you need to call early to get the time you want.


I don’t back to back or conveyor belt style sessions, so the amount of sessions I do are limited in any day.


Monday 10th – Free from 10.30am

Tuesday 11th – Free all day

Wednesday 12th – Free all day

Thursday 13th – Free all day

Friday 14th – Free all day

Saturday 15th – Free all day

Sunday 16th – Free all day



I am now able to wear latex again now the temperature has sadly dropped, I bought some Pjur latex spray to shine up my latex, hopefully I wont have to do this myself, anyone wanting to see me in my custom made dresses, can apply it for me as I am wearing them. I have a red and a black one, and they both fit like a glove.  Please tell me in advance if you want me to wear them.









Availability 3rd to 9th October


Why do I show so much availability everyday? that’s because 99% of my bookings are on the day and I only take advance bookings with a deposit.   I never know what I am doing until the morning when my phone starts ringing, however,  I get busy so you need to call early to get the time you want.

I don’t back to back or conveyor belt style sessions, so the amount of sessions I do are limited in any day.


Monday 3rd – Free

Tuesday 4th – Free from 10.30am

Wednesday 5th – Free

Thursday 6th – Free

Friday 7th – Free

Saturday 8th – Free 9-10am , then free after 1.30pm

Sunday 9th – Free



Availability for next week so far, as always call as early as you can to arrange a session, my phone is on from 7am.

99% of my appointments are made on the day.


Monday 26th – Free all day

Tuesday 27th – Free all day

Wednesday 28th – Free all day

Thursday 29th – Free after 1pm

Friday 30th – Free all day

Saturday 1st – Free all day

Sunday 2nd – Free all day



Availability for the week ahead


Monday 19th – Free all day

Tuesday 20th – Free all day

Wednesday 21st – Free until 3pm

Thursday 22nd – Free all day

Friday 23rd – Free after 12.30

Saturday 24th – Free until 12.30

Sunday 25th – Free all day


As always please call as early as you can on the day to arrange, phone on from 7am.



After making him dance to Brittany Spears and Christina Aguilera for me while I put £20 notes down his thong, before i was finished with him I took this embarrassing pic for his shame.  It was the tartiest thong they had in the shop, white leopard print, with a pink bow.  He kept falling out of it, so to punish him, I had to massage him with deep heat as a punishment. This is his final humiliation, and he has to wank over this picture  today, under my orders.


A reminder on session etiquette as cut and paste below from my website, I am based in a detached triple glazed very discreet property on a busy access road into a town centre and station, so lots of people walking about, meaning the limited amount of clients I see does not come to anyone’s attention,  but that does not mean you should not be discreet.  I have had 2 people parking up outside and waiting 30 mins before their appointment this month.  I am lucky in that I have a good view from my upstairs window to catch people doing this, but other ladies probably are not so lucky, and don’t realize people are doing it.  Some people don’t want to park in my drive or opposite it, so want to park elsewhere, which is fine, they might be in a van/vehicle with their company logo all over it etc, but for goodness sake park where I tell you, there is a safe free car park a few minutes on foot from my place, don’t put your big vehicle blocking a driveway or an entire bit of road, yes that has happened! I have had people swear their car is parked in another road, and have seen it parked on a corner blocking someones access, pointed to it and have them remark that it’s not in my road, as it is not directly opposite my house, hmmmmm.  Their car then has to be moved.

Loud booming voices announcing that they are here Mistress Rose, from the road or my doorstep, then walking into my property for anyone walking past to overhear.  A quick google on their phone and that person can then find out what you were visiting me for, as you announced it so clearly.  Unless I buy a house in the middle of a field near nothing, this will always be a problem.  This applies to most ladies working, and in the distant past I did visit a few commercial dungeons, and it would have applied to all of those too.

Most of you reading this wont have done this and will be reading it total disbelief, but some people just are not observant, and it does not occur to them that this is really indiscreet.  If you are one of those people please stick to the rules, you will get a much better session from me if you do.

From my website

A bit of common sense really!

Don’t turn up early without letting me know in advance, sitting in your car outside my property, in my drive or anywhere in my road when you have arrived too early for your session is not discreet.  If running early, give me a call to see if I can see you early, and if I cant, only arrive in my street at your session time.  I will cancel sessions if this rule is broken, as it shows a total lack of respect, and discretion.

Don’t call me outside of your car to announce to everyone passing by that your here or greet me with Mistress Rose at the door. Although the locations I work from are all discreet and in quiet locations, it really annoys me when people do this.  Or say Hello Mistress Rose/Goodbye Mistress Rose in a loud booming voice as you come or go.
