Well my 3 and a bit year old phone is on the way out, I was taking calls and some people sounded like they were whispering, so I am using an old phone today, and the new one will arrive tomorrow. I only like to replace things when they die, I dont see the need to have the lastest thing. I remember getting my first mobile, mono screen, no colour and it just made calls! shock horror. What gets me is the old phones, like my first one seemed to last longer than the smart phones.
A few have asked me why I dont have an email address anymore on my website, the problem was too many people trying to book me same day via it expecting the email to be instant, despite a note next to the email to say I never saw the mail in time and no bookings via email, I had people expecting me to see the mail within the hour so they could come over. It drove me so mad I took the email off forcing people to call, I think this shows my naturally dominant nature, do what I say or else, I am nice, honest, just bossy when it comes to things like that.
Some nice sessions over the last few days, in one I pounded someone so hard up the ass my abs ached the next day, not that many can take it that hard though, most sessions with it are quite gentle, after a bit of experience I find people can take more, as well as larger. Also a session with someone who could tolerate a really hard caning, his skin didn’t break it was like leather, years of practice apparently, he then had to drive to Heathrow Airport and sit on a 2 hour flight home on a nice warm freshly caned bum. I have also been doing E-Stim quiz sessions, get the answer wrong and you get one hell of a shock, problem is I do tend to choose really awkward difficult questions