I have had 2 people in the last 2 days contact me telling me that they can’t access my site, and an error message comes up.  This is due to certain, mostly mobile internet providers blocking “Adult” sites.  In the past, if you tried to get onto my site using a mobile device, a page would come up from your provider telling you that you needed to age verify.  Unfortunately when I tried accessing my site on a mobile today, where I had not gone through age verification it bought up the same error.   As soon as I tried to access my site using my home wifi, the site appeared, when I used another mobile where I had gone through age verification the site also appeared.  This is confusing people as it looks like I have taken the site down, the age verification page is not showing as it did in the past.  I am assuming this is happening to people who have just changed mobile provider and have not yet verified, or are using internet at home, and the ISP has turned on parental controls.

Verifying your age is quite simple.  This can be done by logging in to the account of your mobile provider, they will usually have an area where you can prove you are over 18. If you are still unsure as to how to do this, google, “age verification” then type the name of your internet/mobile provider in, this should bring up all the details on how to do it.

The ways they are currently doing it are:

Proving that you have a credit card as these can only be given to people who are over 18

Going into a mobile phone shop and showing ID in person

I will assume in the coming months this will become more sophisticated and hopefully sites like mine will have it built in.  If you have an error in the future when you try and get my site up, this will be why, and another reason why I ask people to save my number and not look it up each and every time.

I have really tried to make my site tame, with no nudity, but my site is still labelled as “Adult”, due to me describing the things I do and don’t offer, and that I am a dominatrix.  We will wait to see what happens in the coming months.


